Thursday, April 27, 2006

I think my calling in life is to be a professional mover

So... on Tuesday we find out that our landlord is selling our condo, and as of Sept 1/06 we don't have a home. The news really couldn't suck more... especially cause we LOVE our place, I've moved 5x since 2004, and I'm defending my thesis in Sept or Oct. A move isn't exactly something either of us had in mind. So now, the housing search has begun again... a stressful and painful experience.

Oh... also, the landlord informs us that hopefully whoever buys the place will need tenants. Great... but the thing is that obviously he's going to go for whoever will pay more and not who will give us a place to live. We already had someone in last night looking at the place, and it's pretty obvious that they knew the place was for sale before us...

Not that I'm bitter or anything!

So yesterday was bad... oh, and the cat threw up 8x in the morning... so that wasn't too much fun either.

Ok... let's hope this negative energy will improve my frisbee skills tonight!


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