Wednesday, July 27, 2005

down to the wire

Well, it's officially Thursday... and I am close to the wire again. I have submitted my assignments for my summer course, and have just emailed my ethics stuff off to my thesis advisor for some final revisions. Hopefully not too many. The next submission date for ethics is August 3rd... which means that I'd have to drop my stuff off on Friday morning because I leave the country on Sunday. It would be nice to be relaxing in Ireland, not thinking about how I have to submit when I get home.. SO i hope that it is done for Friday!!! PLEASE DEAR LORD LET IT BE DONE..

It's 1:30 am, so I'm slightly delirious from sitting in front of the computer for a good number of hours over the last few weeks. There is still so much to be done for my trip... like getting my passport (no fears... it'll be done on Friday morning). Most of my laundry is now done, and packed in my backpack. All our travel docs, etc., are organized and good to go. I'm heading into London on Friday to go shopping with Jenn, and figure out the last few things that I need. Then, Saturday, Dave comes to pick me up, and Sunday at 5am.. I'm off to the Airport.

So.. as usual.. my life is down to the wire. I've come to grips with the fact that stress drives me, and that I always seem to pull through. So.. if it works.. don't mess with it!

Ok.. I need some sleep.


At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheh....ever tried decaf?

have a beer for me over there


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