Thursday, October 20, 2005

Thought Alice "i almost wish I hadn't gone down the rabbit hole - and yet- it's rather curious you know"

Lately, I'm off down the rabbit-hole myself... curiously finding new things to get involved with even though time is limited already. I have registered for the "Health Human Resources and HIV/AIDS" conference in Ottawa on November 5th. Unfortunately there was no opportunity for me to enter an abstract, but I'm excited to attend it as it's a prelude to the International AIDS conference in Toronto this August. Speaking of which, I decided that it would be a excellent thing to enter my abstract for that conference and also to volunteer to work on a committee for the conference. I'm hoping that a volunteer position might cut down on the cost of the conference which is close to $1000 I believe. Yikes! Lastly, I'm volunteering with the AIDS network in my city in order to gain some more experience working with PLWHA.

Exciting and fun and curious all in one...


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