Friday, July 29, 2005

One day!

Well, It's official... I'm off to the UK in just one day!! I have everything I need now... and the tough task is deciding what to take out of my backpack!

Dave's picking me up at 11am tomorrow, then we'll stay at his place till 5:30am on Sunday morning.. then we're UK bound!

Our first day in the UK (Aug 1) will be spent doing the main touristy things... london tower, london eye, buckingham palace, westminster abbey, etc.

2nd day: Abbey Rd. studios and Sherlock Holmes museum

3rd day: Wimbeldon.. Dave's choice!! haha.. but I'm excited to see it myself.
That night we meet up with our tour group.. and the next day we're off on tour for 18 days!

I'll have some dramatic stories to add to my emails/blog!!

See everyone in September!!

Good luck Discography! Hope you win a game... Richard... can you make sure to contact Brenton re: playing short short's team after playoffs.. and let me know when the game is.. i sooo want to play

Good luck Melissa and Abe: Can't wait to meet Benjamin!

I'm off to see the world!


At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait to hear about all your great adventures darlin'
see you in September!!!!!!

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