Sunday, September 25, 2005

Here, there and everywhere!

It's been a while since I've posted anything half decent on this blog. I'm just getting my school life going again, and it seems to have taken off without me.. again! I'm 110% happy to report that my thesis proposal made it through ethics the first time around! Thank goodness because I spent a good couple months pulling it together only to find out that I'd completed the full review instead of the expedited review that I should have done. Anyway.. I'm off to the races with that..

The apartment is set-up and looking great these days. We were using an ironing board as a coffee table for a while.. but we've solved that problem now! Now we just need some visitors. Michelle is coming to stay on Tuesday night.. so she's our first official over-night guest!

Frisbee is going well so far. Our team has won 2 out of 3 games. Unfortunately I sustained a hip injury in July at my last frisbee game of the season, and it's come back to haunt me. After 10 minutes of having the RMT dig her elbow into my hip, it feels somewhat better. The damage is still there, and I guess I'll be off to the doc's soon.

That's my news for today. Will try to update this page a little more regularly!



At 5:44 AM, Blogger Abe said...

Congrats on ethics!


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