Friday, July 22, 2005

Bye-Bye London, Ontario.... Hello London, England!

Well, tonight marks the end of me living in London, Ontario.... I've been here for 11 months now, and it's been quite the interesting time. I found this apartment in July of 2004, and thought it would be a great living situation for myself, or myself and a roomie. After much drama, it ended up just being me here, which worked out pretty well for the most part. It started off a little rough in September... no phone, internet, cable, cell-phone breakdown, computer death, slamming my finger in the garage, and then a mini emotional melt-down. Not to mention a scary amount of school work (Ed students.. remember the reading for that first workshop! Oh god!).

However, I made the best of what happened, and ended up meeting some super cool people here and organizing a pub-crawl.. which set the precedent for graduate social life.

I've learned a lot from living here, and perhaps I can impart this knowledge on my willing readers:

Now if you do end up dismissing my advice.. here is some more. If you live in a basement apartment:

1. Buy long johns and a heating pad... I believe these items allowed me to survive the harsh winter living conditions that come with living in the basement

2. A space heater hikes up the cost of hydro... if your landlord is paying.. buy one!

3. A golf club, baseball bat, or large metal pole are must-haves when you live on your own. (Thanks Richard!)

4. Wanting to scream at the person living above you is a daily happening... your golf club can be used to hit the ceiling when (s)he decides to stomp around in shoes at 7am, have sex in a squeaky bed, leave the cell phone on vibrate and leave the house, his/her child decides to 'play' electric guitar, or when just plain aggravated (a LOUD stereo also helps with this).

5. Naps become essential when you have no idea how light it is outside (why do you think bears hibernate!)

6. Low ceilings have the potential to harm your tall friends when they are drunk.

7. Saying your basement is flooding is not a bad way to get out of work/class.... but it sucks when it happens!



So... having said all this, I move onto bigger and better things. I'm off to London, England on July 31st for 25 days. I'm going to miss certain things back home, such as my frisbee team, a classmate's wedding, Abe and Melissa's baby Benjamin, and my family. But... I'll keep in touch while I'm overseas, and I can't wait to be miles and miles away from the hectic life of a graduate student.

I'm looking forward to my first trip with Dave, meeting new people, seeing new things, and all the drama that will unfold during that time!!

Come September, a new life will begin to unfold!

See you later London!!!


At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to the bit about living in the basement. as a 2 year vet of living in a basement, i will never do that again

have fun on the other side of the pond

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Abe said...

The humour and nostalgia created by this post is overwhelmed by my feelings of jealousy. Have fun galavanting around the UK while the rest of us work hard.

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have Fun in the UK we are happy for you!!



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