Friday, April 07, 2006

Thesis Hell

Another month and a bit rolls by and I haven't posted a thing! I think I stink at this blog thing... oh well...

Right now I'm in the middle of analyzing my data for my thesis.. a process that could kill an average person. Actually.. the analysis is better than the on-going transcription.. typing in 'ums', 'likes', 'justs', 'you knows'.. that I have missed along the way. It's killer. The analysis itself is a bit hazy... I try to write down all my thoughts and then try to fit everything into themes.... which are broad and I don't even know if they make sense. However, with a little help from my advisors, I'm sure I'll be on the right track soon enough.

With this thesis being the only thing I have left now... I find myself a little bored. I'm done teaching... well just have to mark my students' exams at the end of April.. but the summer will be all about finishing this damn thing. Not that I hate my thesis by any means... I love the data and the research and hopefully what I will get out of it... what will unfold... but I kind of hate not having a step-by-step procedure to follow... That's what I get for choosing qualitative research.

Other than that... life goes on


At 10:15 AM, Blogger richard said...

in response, i am (still) in ethics hell.


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