Friday, September 09, 2005

going Amish styles

Well, Dave and I are officially moved into our apartment now. We both totally love the place! It's super nice. After hours of unpacking boxes and setting up, we have the situation under control. It's really nice for me as I'm close to my family, Dave, and both universities. Our only real problem at the moment is that we have no cable, internet or phone till Thursday! Being a grad student, I'm constantly on email and the web in order to get through the day. Now.. I basically have no idea what is going on in the world of Master's students and my friends' lives. So, if you're trying to get in touch with me and I'm slow to respond... just give me some time. I'm not ignoring anyone!

On another note, I played my first ultimate game in Hamilton last night. The team here is a lot different than the team I was captaining in London. They are pretty hardcore and it took me a few points to get the groove of what they were doing. However, I did make the catch that won our team the game. That was nice. I still miss Discography though. I like our beer nights at the Alibi!

Ok.. I need to get some laundry going and some dinner.

Be back soon!


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