Monday, July 11, 2005

One down, six to go

This weekend I attended one of my nursing friend's wedding in Waterloo. There are a group of seven of us who are pretty tight, and Melissa was the first one to get married. It was a gorgeous wedding, and it was so nice to see all the nursing girls. I forgot how tremendously hillarious we are as a group. The hillarity was much enhanced by the fact that it was an open bar, and my girlfriends like to drink. Luckily I was still in recovery mode from our pub crawl on Thursday night.. so I didn't have too much to drink.

I'm down to 12 days before moving time now. It's going to be rather interesting/scary to have my life in boxes in my brother's basement... but it won't matter for a month till I move again. I'm off to Toronto to take care of some travel documents tomorrow. I hate that I have to drive downtown, but that's life.

Ethics is being revised. RA work is pretty much done. N649 still has a ways to go.


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