Friday, July 01, 2005

The Life and Times of Shannon

This summer is flying by, and I'm a little bit in shock that it is already July 1st. Here is an update of what I'm upto.

a) I took a course in a week.. and still have a paper and presentation to complete for it. Yikes.

b) playing ultimate frisbee every Monday night... have yet to win, but we're having fun.

c) helped my brother move to Waterloo, and I'm now moving the cats there till September (when I take Molly and Tuck back)

d) working on my ethics proposal and have to get it in soon

e) doing RA work for Carroll

f) saw Dave and his friend Jamie off today for their road trip to B.C. They were looking a little tired last night, and more tired this morning at 6am. I'm hoping they have a great time out there, and they make it back in one piece (along with the Mazda 323)

g) I'm moving out of the dungeon come July 23rd!! All my stuff is going to storage at my bro's new place until Sept. 1.

h) working on getting organized for our trip in 31 days.

i) have a wedding shower to get organized for tomorrow in Waterloo (for my cousin).

That's all I will write for now....


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