Sunday, June 19, 2005

We Have a Home!

Well, after another weekend of looking for a place, I'm proud to announce that we found a place!! And a VERY nice place too! As of September 1st, we'll be living in a 2 level condo in an apartment building in Dundas. Dave and I are super happy with it, and couldn't believe how utterly gorgeous and new it was.

We're pumped, ready to travel, and ready for our move!! Can't wait to have some visitors once we're moved in. We'll need to have some celebratory sips!

Woo HOO!


At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya! i'll bring house warming beer

At 6:09 PM, Blogger Abe said...

Congratulations, I'd love to get up in that direction, maybe with the baby :)

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what's this. You move back into town as I'm beating a path out of here. :(

Invite me to the house warming anyway. I love a good party as long as I'm not clear across the country.


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