Monday, May 30, 2005


Well... we had our very first ultimate frisbee game tonight... and the truth is that we got killed. Our team did manage to pick up in the second inning though, and got 2 points. It was an eventful game, but in the end, Short-shorts kicked our butts. And believe me.. when I say eventful, I mean eventful... there was some groin action going on.

Our team had good spirits though, and I think we'll be ready for some action next week now that everyone knows what is going on. Some of us headed to the Alibi afterwards to drown our sorrows, and ease our minds of the trauma we experienced on the field.

Next week we go again.... 8pm start, 7pm practice.

Go Team.


Saturday, May 28, 2005

Whirlwind Week


It's been quite a busy/crazy week.

May 2-4:
Consisted of a lot of beer drinking, frisbee golf, movies, and seeing a London attraction 'the sifton acid bog'... interesting. I poked it with a stick.. but it didn't eat the stick, so i was a little disapointed.

This week I had school on Tues/Wed, so that was super busy. I headed to KW on Thursday to help my Aunt and cousin plan my 2nd cousin's wedding shower. Since my bro is living there now, I stuck around and we had dinner together.

I've been doing a lot of yoga and pilates to help stretch out my back. I'm loving it!

Yesterday, a group of us met up to throw the frisbee around. We have our first game on Monday night, so let's hope we're ready to roll. I think it's going to be a great season, and I'm sad that I won't be here in August for playoffs, but I'll get over that when I'm in the UK! haha.

What else... looking forward to moving. I'm hoping to be out of here by the 2nd last weekend in July, since Dave and I leave the following weekend. We're currently looking for places, but that will get more intense in June.

Alright, I still have to finish the letter that Richard and I are writing to the UofA med students. Link to Richard's blog if you are interested in what I'm talking about.


Monday, May 16, 2005

Almost time to drink a 2-4

Well, it's almost that time of the year when Canadians indulge in a long drinking weekend. What a wonderful thing to have May 2-4 weekend approaching. I will most definitly be having a drink or two on this weekend. Dave's band is playing a bar this weekend, so I'll be heading to Dundas to fulfill my duties as his Band-Aid... which include drinking beer. It's a tough life.

This past weekend, I had the joy of spending some quality time with my nephews. All weekend, I got to hear 'SAN.... c'mon SAN' with the occasional 'SANNON...' . They are quite entertaining, and busy. Dave came down to help me out, which was awesome. Then he got to hear 'DAVE... c'mon Dave' from my nephew.

Still haven't booked our trip to the UK, but hope to in the next 3 weeks, as soon as Contiki can guarantee it. Dave and I are looking forward to drinking beer in the afternoon in Dublin (and everywhere else we go! haha).

Ultimate is coming up in a week. Our team is up to 10 people now, and we could still use a few more. We're playing on Monday nights. I'm really looking forward to our games.

well, that is my update.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

First Day of Summer School

I began my new class today in the Education department. Even though it was only the first day, I really think I'm going to enjoy this class. We spend the first 1/2 of the class listening to each other's stories about different topics that affect us in life, and the second 1/2 of the class relating our personal views to the readings. It was a refreshing change from discussing research methodologies!!

Tomorrow night there is a fundraiser being held to benefit the AIDS committee of London. You basically have to choose one of the participating restaurants, have dinner, and the restaurant will donate 25% of the proceeds from your meal to funding for AIDS. I think it's a wonderful idea, and am trying to recruit people to go. Check it out at