Monday, May 16, 2005

Almost time to drink a 2-4

Well, it's almost that time of the year when Canadians indulge in a long drinking weekend. What a wonderful thing to have May 2-4 weekend approaching. I will most definitly be having a drink or two on this weekend. Dave's band is playing a bar this weekend, so I'll be heading to Dundas to fulfill my duties as his Band-Aid... which include drinking beer. It's a tough life.

This past weekend, I had the joy of spending some quality time with my nephews. All weekend, I got to hear 'SAN.... c'mon SAN' with the occasional 'SANNON...' . They are quite entertaining, and busy. Dave came down to help me out, which was awesome. Then he got to hear 'DAVE... c'mon Dave' from my nephew.

Still haven't booked our trip to the UK, but hope to in the next 3 weeks, as soon as Contiki can guarantee it. Dave and I are looking forward to drinking beer in the afternoon in Dublin (and everywhere else we go! haha).

Ultimate is coming up in a week. Our team is up to 10 people now, and we could still use a few more. We're playing on Monday nights. I'm really looking forward to our games.

well, that is my update.



At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

enjoy a beer for me since i'm working the 23rd :)

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shann! We celebrated May 2-4 yesterday on the Tioman island beach...we 24 oz. and maybe about 24 beer ha ha...the island was a slice of paradise, with a global backpackin' feel...we ran into some Canadians and we Represented our national heritage of May 24 with our friends CocaC. and Jim Bean (yikes!)until the weeeee hours of the morning, serious hangover hammock napping the next day...Missing you! And my deepest sympathies for you Richard! BTW, they have TWO TYPES OF Hoegarden here...our 'regular' kind AND a high-test Hoegarden---WHO KNEW!?? Wish we were together celebratin' a year behind and a year to go... I am setting up the blog with Jake this week.... glad to here that things are unfolding as they should, looking forward to becoming an offical Band-Aid member with you in September...HUGS

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Shann said...


good to hear from you!! Looking forward to checking out your blog.

At 6:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TWO TYPES of Hoegarden?!!? almost brings a tear to my eye..

i wonder if i can get that stuff in Canada?

ttyl Michelle


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