Tuesday, May 03, 2005

First Day of Summer School

I began my new class today in the Education department. Even though it was only the first day, I really think I'm going to enjoy this class. We spend the first 1/2 of the class listening to each other's stories about different topics that affect us in life, and the second 1/2 of the class relating our personal views to the readings. It was a refreshing change from discussing research methodologies!!

Tomorrow night there is a fundraiser being held to benefit the AIDS committee of London. You basically have to choose one of the participating restaurants, have dinner, and the restaurant will donate 25% of the proceeds from your meal to funding for AIDS. I think it's a wonderful idea, and am trying to recruit people to go. Check it out at www.aidslondon.com


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Autumn Storm said...

Good luck with the class.
There isn't enough awareness in the world with regard to AIDS and there isn't enough being done to stop the spreading of this disease, thus your chosen subject is a worthy one. The restaurant idea is inspired.


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