Wednesday, August 16, 2006

AIDS Conference 2006 continued

It's Day 4 of the International AIDS Conference in Toronto.

To be honest, the last 4 days have been overwhelming for me. I feel intellectually stimulated by all the research that is going on about the topic of HIV/AIDS, as well as hearing the issues from the people infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS. It's incredible to see the mass number of people who are dedicated to erradicating the illness. This is the first conference I have been to where I feel surrounded by people who are fighting for the same thing that I am.

What really inspired me yesterday was the response to the research poster I had on display at the poster exhibit. I had many nurse educators and interested health professionals come and talk to me about the study I conducted for my Master's thesis. The study was very well received, and the audience were excited to find out when and where I would be publishing the study. I felt very inspired by their enthusiasm, and I'm hoping it served as the push I needed to complete my degree.

I have so many more things to write about the conference, but I'm tired and desperately need sleep. I will write more on the weekend.


At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,

Just got back from the Bordeleau cottage last evening. We have been thinking of you and wondering how things are going at the Aids Conference. I am sure you are doing great. The Baptism went great, Alexei was a perfect little Angel! And your little Godson is a real ham - what a funny litte guy! We will miss Shaun and Karoline's party as we are heading up to Sauble for a week. Good Luck with the rest of the week!

Love A Shawnna


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