Friday, June 23, 2006

Frisbee Fun

So, I'm playing frisbee 3x per week this summer... and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm starting to get to know the people on both teams (already knew the UWO team well to begin with though). Our Hamilton team has been frequenting Boston Pizza on nights we play churchill park, and either Slaintes or Winking Judge on nights we play at HPH. Last night we played an intense hybrid game of Trivial Pursuit. The owner decided the person who correctly answered 15 questions in a row got this crazy large beer called Arogant Bastard that is not widely found in Canada. I played the part of card reader and point scorer... having 6 people yell answers at you is a stressful part of this job!!

On another note, my new summer album is Fly Between Falls by ALO (animal liberation orchestra). I found them through one of Jack Johnson's DVDs, and I love this album. Great music with some of the funniest lyrics! It's one of those albums that you could put into the CD player when you're having a bad day and it will perk you up... it's a total sing-a-long CD. Dave and I were busting a move in his car all the way to frisbee last night. Considering I just woke up from a nap... this is impressive for me.

I'm off to Elora tomorrow for my cousin's wedding. One of my godsons is the ring bearer, so I can't wait to see him walk down the aisle.

Ok.. I need to organize myself now.

Later Tater.


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