Saturday, June 11, 2005

Bars I like

I decided I would do something a little different with my blog today.. I'll post a review of bars I enjoy in London, ON. (Note: these are not listed in order)

1) The Grad Club: With 19 beers on tap and a location near our health sci building, it is obvious why this bar makes the list. Regardless of if we thought we bombed stats, finished our last class of the semester, or need a drink after a class, the grad club is always open and 'oh so good' to us. This bar has been the scene of many 'Richard is drunk' incidents, Michelle's penis-birthday cake, and our St. Paddy's day drinking festivities.

2) Molly Bloom's: This is a great Irish drinking bar for those occasions where you want to get drunk and silly. I have been drunk and silly in this bar more than once... and I love that most other people are that way too. The live band is always fun, and the beer is enjoyable. Also good for dinner!

3) The Honest Lawyer: This bar has Leffe Blonde on tap... need I say more?! Actually, it has a ton of beers on tap, and is a good place to drink and watch some sports. Not fond of the menu though. Upstairs is 'Downtown Kathy Browns', which is great to go to for a laugh. I have been there on Retro night, and it is quite funny to see everyone all pumped about 80's music.

4) Alex P. Keaton's: Was there last night with my friend Lindsay... good times! They have a nice patio with Christmas lights, and a relaxed atmosphere. A lot of their beers are micro-brews, which is a nice change if you want to switch it up a little. Their menu is super expensive, but looks intriguing. Inside, they have a few tables and a band set up. Great summer atmosphere!

5) The Alibi: Not a typical bar that you'd think to go to... but Jenn introduced me to it, and I've liked it since. We head here every Monday night after frisbee for some drinks and dinner. It's a laid back sports bar, that doesn't mind having 10 + sweaty frisbee players come in and sit down. Stella is my beer of choice at this bar!

6) The Barking Frog: I included this bar last minute, because it's a good dress-up bar. I find that their martini's are a lot better than the Martini bar, and I like their quiet candle-lit atmosphere.

Alright... I know there are TONS of bars left to comment about... but I'll leave that upto my readers to make posts about their fav bars.

Next Post.... Hamilton Bars....


At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'richard is drunk'?...hehe

i like the grad club. i can't help it if my tolerance is just very very low :)

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Abe said...

You don't even want to get a local yokle like me to go through the bars. All I can see is boo-urns to the Barking Frog...dress-codes and me don't get along.


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