Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bell Canada .... you make me mad!

Well... as you might already know, my phone and internet have been down for a week now. I came home today to hear a dial tone for the first time, and then I found out that my line is now crossed with someone named Crystal. I'm less than impressed with all the problems I've had with Bell. My internet is now working again, but my phone is still wacky, and should be fixed by the end of the day... headaches upon headaches!

We had our 2nd game last night, and lost big time again. I noticed that our game was getting a lot tighter though, and hopefully in a couple more weeks we will be scoring more points. Our team headed to the Alibi for some after game drinks and dinner. We'll be practicing this Thursday at 7pm.

Was in Dundas this weekend, to see Dave's band play at the Collins for Buskerfest. They sounded awesome, and of course the bassist was my fav... but that's not news! We also booked our hostels for our trip... we'll be in London England from July 31-4th, then start our tour, then to Belfast on the 18-20th, and Dublin on the 20th-24th, then home again!

Last News of the Day:

I was just awarded the IODE grant from Sigma Theta Tau, which means I get $1000 for my proposed research study for my thesis. I'm pretty honoured and excited!

Gotta go.


At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet! $$!!...new laptop?

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Abe said...

Our point spread has dropped from 15 to 13, so even though we scored less points, we had less points against. It only gets better from here.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Shann said...

Thanks Richard... no.. that money has to go to my materials for my study.. which I estimated to be $1500.. so I still need a $500 grant.

If the CNF one comes through.. then I will be hoping for a laptop!!

Abe: I totally agree.. we had them running more too.


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