Wednesday, August 16, 2006

AIDS Conference 2006 continued

It's Day 4 of the International AIDS Conference in Toronto.

To be honest, the last 4 days have been overwhelming for me. I feel intellectually stimulated by all the research that is going on about the topic of HIV/AIDS, as well as hearing the issues from the people infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS. It's incredible to see the mass number of people who are dedicated to erradicating the illness. This is the first conference I have been to where I feel surrounded by people who are fighting for the same thing that I am.

What really inspired me yesterday was the response to the research poster I had on display at the poster exhibit. I had many nurse educators and interested health professionals come and talk to me about the study I conducted for my Master's thesis. The study was very well received, and the audience were excited to find out when and where I would be publishing the study. I felt very inspired by their enthusiasm, and I'm hoping it served as the push I needed to complete my degree.

I have so many more things to write about the conference, but I'm tired and desperately need sleep. I will write more on the weekend.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Prime Minister denies invitation to speak at 2006 HIV/AIDS conference

I have attended the first two days of the 16th International AIDS Conference in Toronto this week. Yesterday evening marked the opening ceremonies of the conference. Many notable Canadians, including Mark Wainberg, Michaelle Jean, Dalton McGuinty, and David Miller, welcomed the World to Toronto during the ceremony that took place at the Rogers Centre. Who was not in tow you ask? You know... just the Prime Minister of Canada... Stephen Harper who declined his invitation to the conference. Unfortunately for our country, he decided that he couldn't pull his ignorant face out of his ass and address this global pandemic that is killing off millions of people. Believe me... his absence did not go unnoticed! Mark Wainberg addressed Harper's absence early on in his opening address.

Now, most of you who might read this blog know that Harper is not even close to my favourite person in the world. His absence last night, and this entire week, has strengthened my belief that he is an inadequate leader for this country. I believe that he didn't attend last night because he was afraid of the backlash from the crowd, mainly those of us who support same-sex marriage. So what?! We would have thrown out a few boos, raised posters and flags, worn t-shirts with our messages.... deal with it! Not everyone is going to love him or even like him. He still would have been given the chance to speak... mainly because we want to hear what he has to say about the AIDS epidemic... an epidemic that doesn't discriminate but instead chooses to infect anyone it can. Instead, Stephen Harper was a coward and refused to address all of us who are dedicated to this cause.

I've thought about this issue all day... and to be honest I am biased. Everyone who knows me knows I have never agreed with Harper. I have issued him many an email about his stance on issues such as same-sex marriage and privatized health care. However, I was willing to listen to him. More so, I was HOPING that he might set an example by illustrating that he was willing to work on his moral and personal growth as a human. See, I don't want a prime minister that is only going to think with his brain (so many other comments could be inserted here...) but I want a leader who is willing to look instead of him- or herself and realize that maybe it's time to re-evaluate his or her morals. I want a leader who is willing to meet with marginalized populations and front-line workers, and admit that maybe they didn't have a full picture of what is really going on in our society. Harper only demonstrates his bull-headedness and ignorance by choosing not to attend this conference and the pandemic sweeping our nation.

Stay tuned for more info re: The AIDS Conference.