Friday, July 07, 2006


So, over the past 2 months I took up running. My main reasons for doing so were:

1. To improve my speed and endurance for ultimate frisbee
2. To improve lean muscle mass

So far... so good. I've been receiving tips from fellow runners and websites that have helped me along the way. The running room has a good website with little tips that can help someone start to run. Also, is a great resource if you want to track your mileage and challenge yourself to run that extra kilometer. Right now, I'm averaging between 7-8.5K per run. It takes about 40 mins, so it's a good break from the thesis work I'm doing.

Oh... and Booster Juice is the way to go after a good run. They have protein smoothies that are absolutely awesome. We have them for dinner after ultimate practices all the time.

Ok.. time to run.