Thursday, February 23, 2006

I'm alive... but my sanity.. well that's a different story

I haven't posted in the longest time.... and that is purely the fault of my thesis, and the 900 other things I'm attached to lately. So here's what I'm doing:

1. My thesis is keeping me 100% busy. I hate transcribing.... hate it, hate it, hate it. 30 minutes of interview takes me about 3h+ to type. My typing skills are improving steadily but after about 2h is when my fingers start tingling and my wrists give out.... not to mention my sanity. I have spent everyday this week typing transcripts and it's not healthy!! Ok... I'll stop whining.

2. Teaching at 2 uni's.... trying to keep track of the 110+ students that I have is a bit interesting. My next week is dedicated to marking mountains of papers for them...

3. Watching Lost.... oh my goodness is that show addictive. Dave and I started watching it a few weeks ago (back issues that is) and we're almost done the first season now. I don't recommend watching it unless you have a lot of time on your hands... because everything else will get brushed aside.

4. Submitting an abstract for the AIDS conference in August. I'm really excited for it, and hope that my abstract gets accepted... fingers crossed.

5. Still loving living back in the Hammer. Our place is great, the commute's been ok because of good weather, and living in sin is wonderful (wink!).

So that's me... busy and crazy and having a pretty good time....