Saturday, August 27, 2005

Home again after travelling part of the world!

Well, after 25 days of crazy adventures I have arrived home safe and soundly. The past month has been pretty incredible. What impressed me the most about the UK and Ireland is the amount of green space in the country. Everything is just so green and lush, and there are sheep and cows everywhere. I also loved how friendly the Irish are. It didn't matter where we went, they were so friendly and helpful to us.

It was great to meet people from around the world, and know that we can visit people when we travel again. I loved the Aussies as always. They are too funny. Hopefully we'll have some visitors soon.

This next month is going to fly by like a tornado. I'm unfortunately going to be stuck right in the middle of it. I had my first Tim Horton's coffee today in close to a month... I have a feeling I'll be a frequent customer come Sept. 1st.

Better start cleaning and packing.

~ Shann