Sunday, April 24, 2005

A Week Off!

Tomorrow marks the start of a school-free week, meaning no more class, no more proposals, and no more hours of staring glossy-eyed at the computer. I do, however, have to be at school for 8am tomorrow, as the second-year class that I TA for is writing their final exam. It's all good though, since I also have to hand-in my proposal, pay our frisbee fees, and pick-up something for Michelle from the GTA office.

Today I was in Fergus, meeting with some fellow wedding party attendants for my cousin's wedding. We are planning the stag & doe for June 13th in Elora. I'd never met the majority (all but one) of these people, so I didn't know quite what to expect. They all seem really nice though, and they are making jell-o shooters for the party, so I'm good with that!

Thursday afternoons are now declared 'Thursday Drinking Sessions'! My fellow MScN crew and I have decided to meet every thursday at 1pm for some drinks and to toss around the frisbee. Since our classes have now ended, we won't have the joy of seeing each other in class every week, so this little event lets us catch up and drink... perfect combo!

Alright... time for bed now!

Catch ya later.


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Abe said...

Drinking! wOOt WooT!


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