Monday, April 18, 2005


Our official Ultimate Team name is Discography. I had to make one up on the spot, so it's the best I could do. I'm looking forward to the season starting. Hopefully Jenn's arm heals in time to play!

My blog has been a little lacking in the info due to my life in proposal hell. Two 20pg proposals due this week... that calls for a stiff drink.

What else... tomorrow is the day to start up running again. I thought I'd take it slowly and build up my endurance, and my ankle power.... 12 years of skating and a tobaggoning accident resulting in a fracture have pretty much weakened it. It doesn't help that I'm glued to a computer screen working on school work most of the day too.

That's about it.


At 9:20 AM, Blogger Abe said...

If you ever need a running buddy, just give me a call. It gets rather boring running on my own, but the running clubs are over the top.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Shann said...


I'm in for the running buddy.. but you might want to wait a while till I can actually run a good distance without passing out.

- Shann


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